Issue 12: July 2018
Special Issue 12 Editors: Kat Braybrooke, Adrian Smith
Download Special Issue 12 as a 3-part PDF: [Volume 1] [Volume 2] [Volume 3]
Editors’ Introduction
Liberatory technologies for whom? Exploring a new generation of makerspaces defined by institutional encounters
Kat Braybrooke, Adrian Smith [html] [PDF]
Peer Reviewed Academic Papers
Institutionalisation and informal innovation in South African Maker communities
Chris Armstrong, Jeremy de Beer, Erika Kraemer-Mbula, Mieka Ellis [html] [PDF]
Making in Brazil: Can we make it work for social inclusion?
Rafael Dias, Adrian Smith [html] [PDF]
Making hardware in Nairobi: Between revolutionary practices and restricting imaginations
Alev Coban [html] [PDF]
Makerspaces and urban ideology: The institutional shaping of Fab Labs in China and Northern Ireland
Pip Shea, Xin Gu [html] [PDF]
The sociomateriality of FabLabs: Configurations of a printing service or counter-context?
Cindy Kohtala [html] [PDF]
The institutionalization of making: The entrepreneurship of sociomaterialities that matters
Evelyne Lhoste, Marc Barbier [html] [PDF]
Can one size fit one? A prospect for humane custom production
ginger coons [html] [PDF]
In situ, 3D printed heritage souvenirs: Challenging conventional spaces and culture
Sam Vettesse, Constantia Anastasiadou [html] [PDF]
Hacking the museum? Practices and power geometries at collections makerspaces in London
Kat Braybrooke [html] [PDF]
Redistributed manufacturing and makerspaces: Critical perspectives on the co-institutionalisation of practice
Liz Corbin, Hannah Stewart [html] [PDF]
Achieving grassroots innovation through multi-lateral collaborations: Evidence from the field
Silvia Buitrago Guzmán, Pedro Reynolds-Cuellar [html] [PDF]
Configuring the independent developer
Tobias Drewlani, David Seibt [html] [PDF]
ReMantle and Make: A cross geographical study exploring the role of makerspaces and the circular economy in Scottish textiles
Paul Smith, Michael Johnson, Lynn-Sayers McHattie [html] [PDF]
Practitioner reflections
Prototyping the future, reviving the past: Observations of two museums and their shared workshop approaches in the making
Robert Richter, Daniel Wessolek [html] [PDF]
Make Space Prod
Luca M Damiani [html] [PDF]
The distorting effect of money, and other lessons learned by a makerspace funder
Molly Rubenstein, Benjamin Linder, Kofi Taha [html] [PDF]
Creating together, learning together: Practices of YCAM in cooperation with machines
Kazutoshi Tsuda, Mitsuhito Ando, Kazuhiro Jo and Takayuki Ito [html] [PDF]
Repair Cafes
Martin Charter [html] [PDF]
Excellence in the maker movement
Em O’Sullivan [html] [PDF]
Space, Gather, Make: Shared machine shop sound
Vasilis Moschas, Kat Braybrooke, Adrian Smith [html] [PDF]
Making or making do? Challenging the mythologies of making and hacking
Morgan G. Ames, Silvia Lindtner, Shaowen Bardzell, Jeffrey Bardzell, Lilly Nguyen, Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed, Nusrat Jahan, Steven J. Jackson, Paul Dourish [html]