The Journal of Peer Production - New perspectives on the implications of peer production for social change New perspectives on the implications of peer production for social change
Practitioner reflections image

Prototyping the future, reviving the past: Observations of two museums and their shared workshop approaches in the making

Robert Richter, Daniel Wessolek


Make Space Prod

Luca M Damiani


The distorting effect of money, and other lessons learned by a makerspace funder

Molly Rubenstein, Benjamin Linder, Kofi Taha


Creating together, learning together: Practices of YCAM in 30 years

Kazutoshi Tsuda, Kazuhiro Jo and Takayuki Ito


Repair Cafes

Martin Charter


Excellence in the maker movement

Em O’Sullivan


Space, Gather, Make: Shared machine shop sound

Kat Braybrooke, Adrian Smith, Vasilis Moschas