Welcome to the Journal of Peer Production
The Journal of Peer Production seeks high-quality contributions from researchers and practitioners of peer production. We understand peer production as a mode of commons-based and oriented production in which participation is voluntary and predicated on the self-selection of tasks. Notable examples are the collaborative development of Free Software projects and of the Wikipedia online encyclopedia.
Latest Issue
Issue #15: Transition
Issue 15: February 2022 Issue editors: Panayotis Antoniadis & Mathieu O’Neil JoPP #15 on TRANSITION features six peer-reviewed articles exploring diverse aspects of transitions in peer production projects. Each article is accompanied by an additional piece or ‘complement’ which addresses the ...
Table of contents
- Editorial notes: Researching transition, transitioning research
- Peer reviewed papers
- Plan C – Makers’ response to COVID-19
- Collective capabilities for resisting far-right extremism online and in the real world
- ‘Meet Your Personal Cobot:’ Framing Participatory Research in Makerspaces as a Trading Zone
- Prototypes as Agents of Transition: The case of DIY Wireless Technology for advancing Community Digital Sovereignty
- Civic Spaces and Collaborative Commons
- Making Consensus Sensible: The Transition of a Democratic Ideal into Wikipedia’s Interface
- JoPP in transition
Issue #14: Infrastructuring the commons today, when STS meets ICT
Issue 14: May 2020 Special Issue 14 Editors: Mariacristina Sciannamblo, Maurizio Teli, Peter Lyle, Christopher Csíkszentmihályi Editorial Notes Infrastructuring the commons today, when STS meets ICTMariacristina Sciannamblo, Maurizio Teli, Peter Lyle, Christopher Csíkszentmihályi [html] [pdf] Peer Reviewed Academic Papers No-One’s ...
Table of contents
- Peer reviewed papers
- No-One’s Earth: An Arendtian Interpretation of the Tragedy of the Commons at the Beginning of 2020
- Tragedies in Translation: Fostering Community Networks in the Global South
- The subjects of/in commoning and the affective dimension of infrastructuring the commons
- Commons infrastructures: Collaborative design of a political tent as cosmogram
- Central urban space as a hybrid common infrastructure
- China’s Air Pollution Meets Public Participation and Citizen Science
- Between precarity and opportunity: an ethnography of ‘flexible skills’ in interaction design
- Editorial Notes