The Journal of Peer Production - New perspectives on the implications of peer production for social change New perspectives on the implications of peer production for social change
Editorial Section image

Editorial Note: We Now have the Means of Production, but Where is my Revolution? by maxigas and Peter Troxler [html] [pdf]

Digitally-Operated Atoms vs. Bits of Rhetoric by Ursula Gastfall, Thomas Fourmond, Jean-Baptiste Labrune and Peter Troxler; edited by Peter Troxler and maxigas [html] [pdf]

Critical Notions of Technology and the Promises of Empowerment in Shared Machine Shops by Susana Nascimento [html] [pdf]

Distributed and Open Creation Platforms as Key Enablers for Smarter Cities by Tomas Diez [html] [pdf]

Fab Labs Forked: A Grassroots Insurgency inside the Next Industrial Revolution by Peter Troxler [html] [pdf]

Cultural Stratigraphy: A Rift between Shared Machine Shops by maxigas [html] [pdf]