Issue 8: March 2016
Special Issue Editors (in alphabetical order): Shaowen Bardzell, Lilly Nguyen, and Sophie Toupin (a.k.a. SSL Nagbot)
Special Issue Editors’ Introduction
Feminist Hacking/Making: Exploring New Gender Horizons of Possibility
by SSL Nagbot (a.k.a Lilly Nguyen, Sophie Toupin, and Shaowen Bardzell) [html]
Peer Reviewed Academic Papers
Situating Making in Contemporary Latin American Feminist Art
By Claudia Costa Pederson [html]
Hacking the Feminist Disabled Body
By Laura Forlano [html]
Towards a Feminist Hackathon: The “Make the Breast Pump Not Suck!” Hackathon
By Catherine D’Ignazio, Alexis Hope, Alexandra Metral, Ethan Zuckerman, David Raymond, Willow Brugh and Tal Achituv [html]
Design through Inversion: Entanglements of Feminism and Design in Two Workshops
By Sarah Fox and Daniela Rosner [html]
Interviews and Art Essays
Dear Arduina: An Interview with Miss Baltazar’s Laboratory
by Rachelle Beaudoin [html]
Perishable Bodies: A Study of Wearable Technology Through the Eyes of An Anorexic
By Veronica Black [html]
“The Nostalgia Question” and Feminist 8-bit Game Hacking
by Rachel Simone Weil [html]