Issue 2: July 2012
Table of Contents
Editorial Notes
An introduction to the first collection of academic studies covering the emergence of hacker practices in the fields of diy-bio and open hardware development.
by Alessandro Delfanti and Johan Söderberg html
peer reviewed papers
Hackerspaces and DIYbio in Asia: Connecting Science and Community with Open Data, Kits and Protocols
by Denisa Kera html
Hacklabs and Hackerspaces: Tracing Two Genealogies
by Maxigas html
DIYbiologists as ‘makers’ of Personal Biologies: How MAKE Magazine and Maker Faires Contribute in Constituting Biology as a Personal Technology
by Sara Tocchetti html
How to Make a “Hackintosh”. A Journey into the “Consumerization” of Hacking Practices and Culture
by Paolo Magaudda html
Invited Comments
Hacking at the Crossroad: US Military Funding of Hackerspaces
by Mitch Altman html
Build Your Own Lab: Do-It-Yourself Biology and the Rise of Citizen Biotech-Economies
by Morgan Meyer html