Article and rationale:
Luis Felipe R. Murillo and Tobias Wenzel (2017) Welcome to the Journal of Open Hardware. Journal of Open Hardware, 1(1): 1, pp. 1–2, DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/joh.3
F. R. Murillo, Jenny Molloy and Tobias Wenzel: It explains the background history of our Journal: it was a product of a community gathering of ‘Open Science’ enthusiasts at CERN who saw the need of creating a publication venue for those who were experimenting with Free and Open Source technologies for building shared research tools and infrastructures.
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Together we aim to help transform how science is currently conducted with much higher levels of openness and active public participation. By advancing a culture of Open Hardware research and development, we want to actively contribute to increase openness in methods and reproducibility aspects of scientific protocols, instruments, and practices. Higher degrees of participation bear the promise of cross-pollination between academic and community projects in which Open Hardware can have much broader societal, economic, and technical implications. We see open, extensible, and adaptable technologies as important components of knowledge production, not only as low-cost tools but as a fundamental platform for knowledge exchange.