CFP: JOPP #15 Transition
Seeking investigations into societal transition, into the journal’s editorial transition, as well as idiosyncratic understandings of scientific and political transitions. Issue editors: Mathieu O’Neil (University of Canberra), Panayotis Antoniadis (Nethood) /// Peer production and our crises Peer producers are people who create and manage common-pool resources together. It sometimes seems
Issue #14: Infrastructuring the commons today, when STS meets ICT
Editors Mariacristina Sciannamblo, Maurizio Teli, Peter Lyle, Christopher Csíkszentmihályi Summary Peer production and collaborative forms of technological design – such as those based on commons-oriented approaches – have at their core a critical stance towards the technoscientific landscape, an approach shared with Science and Technology Studies (STS) as a theoretical
PEER PRODUCTION: RESEARCH AND PRACTICE The Journal of Peer Production (JoPP) is a volunteer-run peer-reviewed journal which has since 2011 both researched and put into practice the principles of peer production, understood as a mode of commons-based and oriented production in which participation is voluntary and predicated on the self-selection
CfP JoPP Special Issue #12: The Institutionalization of Shared Machine Shops: New Spaces, Networks + Practices.
Editors Kat Braybrooke, Adrian Smith Summary Two years ago, a special issue of the Journal of Peer Production on shared machine shops described them as the “occupied factories of peer production theory”. The authors of that issue compiled a theoretically-grounded and empirically informed analysis of member-owned spaces like hacklabs, hackerspaces and
Peer production, disruption and the law
Editors: Steve Collins, Macquarie University and Angela Daly, Swinburne University of Technology The disruption caused by new technologies and non-conventional methods of organisation have posed challenges for the law, confronting regulators with the need to balance justice with powerful interests. Experience from the “disruptions” of the late 20th century has
Shared Machine Shops: Beyond Local Prototyping and Manufacturing
Editors: Maxigas (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), Peter Troxler (International Fab Lab Association, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences) In the last years we have witnessed an incredible proliferation of shared machine shops in a confusing number of genres: hackerspaces, makerspaces, Fab Labs and their more commercial counterparts such as TechShops, co-working
Value and Currency in Peer Production
Edited by: Nathaniel Tkacz, Nicolás Mendoza and Francesca Musiani. Peer production has often been described as a ‘third mode of production’, irreducible to State or market imperatives. The creation and organisation of peer projects takes place without ‘managerial commands or price signals’, without recourse to bureaucratic apparatuses or the logic
The Critical Power of Free Software: from Intellectual Property to Epistemologies?
Edited by: Maurizio Teli and Vincenzo D’Andrea From the perspective of social organization, Free Software can be conceived as a form of critique by adaptability and modifiability, as pointed out by anthropologist Christopher Kelty [Two Bits, 2008], standing outside institutionalized forms of power and providing working alternatives as critical tools.
Expanding the frontiers of hacking
Deadline: July 20, 2011 Bio-punks, open hardware, and hackerspaces Edited by: Johan Söderberg and Alessandro Delfanti Call: 500-word abstract Both theoretical and empirical contributions accepted During the past two decades, hacking has c buy viagra super active hiefly been associated with software development. This is now changing as new walks