How to submit to the Journal of Peer Production
No article processing charges (APCs) or article submission charges are required to publish in JoPP.
JoPP will be published twice a year. All scientific contributions will be peer reviewed.
If you have a question about the suitability of your contribution to JoPP, please contact the editorial team by posting to the (not publicly archived) editorial team mailing list: jopp [dash] editorial [at] lists [dot] ourproject [dot] org
Once papers have been accepted, it is the author’s responsibility to format them in accordance with our specifications.
Themed issues
For themed special issues, please refer to the Call For Papers and submit directly to the special issue editors.
Unsolicited submissions
For submissions which do not fit into a special issue theme, please submit to the Varia editor, Peter Troxler, by posting to the (not publicly archived) editorial team mailing list: jopp [dash] editorial [at] lists [dot] ourproject [dot] org
Submissions guidelines
Contributors are invited to follow the Harvard citation style and to submit papers using free software such as Open Office. Authors are invited to limit their usage of italics and endnotes. If endnotes are indispensable, please manually insert them with [square brackets]. Refer to published papers for examples of more specific referencing guidelines.
Tables and illustrations
If your paper includes tables and illustrations, it is necessary to indicate where they should appear in the paper and to submit them separately: tables should be converted to html and illustrations submitted in the SVG format.
Submission types
The journal welcomes submissions based on interdisciplinary approaches including information and computer sciences, science & technology studies, anthropology, legal studies, economics, geography, history, communication studies, organisation studies, and sociology. JoPP accepts a variety of manuscripts. Please review the descriptions below and identify the submission type best suited to your intended submission.
Research papers
Research papers are theoretically driven, focusing on key facets of peer production, and reporting substantial findings. Suggested length: 8000 words. You may be interested to find out more about our open peer review process.
Debates, essays and interviews
We welcome testimonies, working papers and critical essays by peer production researchers and practitioners. Debates are essays by several authors expressing clearly contrasting viewpoints about a relevant issue. All these contributions should comprise 1000-3000 words.
Conference reports
These contributions should also comprise 1000-3000 words. Suggested topics for conference organisers who wish to file a report include:
- Name and theme of the conference?
- What were your goals in organising this conference?
- Do you think those goals were met?
- What did you learn in organisational terms?
- With the benefit of hindsight, what would you do differently?
- Were there any particularly interesting, poetic or dramatic moments?
- What was your favorite presentation and why?
We also seek reviews of relevant projects and of books analysing peer production processes. Reviews should be 500-1000 words.
Editors are happy to discuss other possibilities with potential contributors. Please contact the editorial team by posting to the (not publicly archived) editorial team mailing list: jopp [dash] editorial [at] lists [dot] ourproject [dot] org